Monday, August 12, 2024

Vol Squeeze & Control

If you've been following the ES 4-hr futures, then you might have noticed prices being 'squeezed' into a narrowing wedge since Monday's low, as follows.

This is a typical "volatility squeeze" or Vol Squeeze for short. It coincides with the VIX or Volatility Index dropping from 66 to 19 in the same period of time. This also resulted in price retracing to the 100-day SMA. And?

And I think the thing to recognize here is just who is in control. You may have heard or read in some Elliott Wave literature somewhere a cute saying like, "Corrections are fascinating because sometimes they can seem to stall until the news catches up with it."

Well, let me be clear. You and I know our accounts are too small to move the markets. So, just who is the one doing the stalling here? We know it's not us. No, it is the big money players with massive algorithms at their control who spent the day whipping price around today - because they know what they're going to do with price, and we don't. 

Early in the afternoon I said, "Nothing impulsive here". And prices continued to stall and whip. Why? This is important: the big money players have some significant advantages over you. They know that if they tell the algos to make an exact double-bottom, then that is what they will do. After all, computers just do what they're told. They'll do it to within a tick or two - and they will frustrate the breakout players. If, like early in the day, they tell the algo to "make a triangle" then that is what they will do. And the 78+% retrace will frustrate the retracement players. Both of these will likely cause retail losses of some degree, and the big money can pocket that change, too. They want it all.

But the real advantage comes early in the next two mornings when the PPI and CPI reports come out on Tuesday and Wednesday. Then, the Smart Money knows they have news reading algorithms that can read the news and react to it faster than it can even be delivered to your internet workstation. Then, they can move fast without a lot of volume to contend with, and retail is at another huge disadvantage. So, it is clearly again to their advantage to stall or triangle before major news reports.

What does this have to do with Elliott Wave?  Well, a lot. I have written quite a bit about The Principle of Equivalence: how two counts can be virtually the same (like a,b,c = i,ii,iii) until they are proven different. Part of the reason behind this Principle is that Smart Money can do a lot of things with a news report. They can impulse, they can whip, they can wait for further clarification, etc.

In the current situation, where the up wave might be a non-overlapping fourth wave, if I know this & you know this, you can bet your bottom dollar that every good hedge-fund chartist, every bank Elliott Wave analyst, and every FOMC desk chartist knows it too.

You and I both know that someone got crisped when the yen carry-trade blew up. Millions and billions were lost. A lot of vested interests want as much of that money back as possible. So, they wait for PPI and CPI: these affect interest rates. And interest rates affect their profitability and margins on the carry trade. 

So, the questions are, "will the wedge break up, or will the wedge break down?", and "will there be follow through in the direction of the break after a back-test or not?" The people who have the book know what they're going to do in each case. It is gamed out for them in strategy meetings. It is you and I who don't know for sure.

Have an excellent rest of the evening,



  1. Thx TJ.
    We shall see. This does not look bullish to me, seems to me losing momentum in the channel and fighting to hold the mid-line.

  2. What is even more stunning is that the news reading algos have no idea whether what they read is B.S or not. A brief look under the hood reveals why some have coined the term Bureau of LYING statistics. Distinguishing the difference is the human trader's small, but important advantage IMHO, Lol!

  3. FYI - I know that this is madness, but...
    I can see a way to count a triangle from yesterday's high:

  4. Everything is there, even the sneak.

  5. With this winding up I wouldn't be surprised to see 4800 by the end of the month. I'm sure a spike above 5400 first is on the table by the powers that be.

  6. Thanks TJ. You should write a book. This important read is much beyond trading.

  7. Here is a stab at the ES hourly. It would be a diagonal to finish (c) of minute-iv, circle-iv.

    Note, it would be 'nice' to see ③ in the cash market so that is shown as the alternate, but an overnight higher high for a potential diagonal ③ did occur. Notice, the reason I publish this one is that each higher high was above iii - in other words the higher highs denote true 'motive' waves - moving price forward. I saw the same thing Henry saw last night, but none of the waves broke the prior low making them suspect as true motive waves.


  8. SPY 2-hr: well they knew what they had to do and did it. SPY has overlapped the prior low to generate some potential confusion.


  9. Today we seem to have overlapped the territory of wave a or 1 in the SPX (see gold line in this chart):

    This would seem to rule out a bear impulse count. Meaning that the correction from the 16 July highs must be counted as a-b-c.

    I suppose that this leaves the possibility of a diagonal triangle, with a bear a-b-c wave 1, putting us likely in wave c of 2.

    TJ, do you think that this is the correct interpretation? Do you see other bearish counting options?

    The alternative count is of course that we are heading to new highs. 🤔

  10. Open gap a price magnet and was likely upside target.

  11. SPY2-hr: let's try reducing the degree one degree and not breaking any rules.

    Still need to cautious regarding the up count, though.


    1. if you put circle 1,shouldnt you also put the higher degree because the correction can be complete, not just beginning

    2. Everything is an ABC until it's not.

    3. Was not sure how to chart it, but thinking 2nd wave price action. Thx.

    4. @marc .. a point well-taken. I only didn't because - in terms of number of bars - it would be a very brief correction compared to the up move that preceded it - unless it turns into a triangle. Yes, with only (a), (b), (c) down we have to be ready for almost anything. TJ.

  12. There are many articles that state the VIX never hit 66. Most agree that it went no higher than 34.2

    1. That is a great article. Thanks for the link!
      I had indeed noticed the crazy SPX options spreads at the open on 5 August,
      and commented on that, here.

  13. The .786 retrace would be at 5990 resistance.

  14. NDX at former support shelf. Second overhead gap filled. Let's see what they got! 😊

  15. A new post is started for the next day.
