Monday, August 19, 2024

All Hail ..

Machines and Buy-Backs. Information from various sources reports that the low volume, nearly straight-up rise since the outside-day-up on 08 August is largely corporations buying back their stock before the window closes again. And, if you have followed my paraphrase of Ira Epstein's Guidelines for trading you have seen several things play out as noted on the daily ES chart, below.

ES Futures - Daily - Swing Line Up

Items that have played out according to Ira's Guidelines (provided here back in 2015 at this LINK).

  • Jul 15th: Do Not Buy new here against the upper daily Bollinger Band
  • Aug 5th - 8th: Do Not Sell new here against the lower daily Bollinger Band
  • Aug 7th: High of Outside Day Down (ODD) should not be taken out or it's a trap for the bears
  • Aug 8th: High of prior ODD taken out by outside day up; trap for bears sprung
  • Aug 13th: Price closes above 18-day SMA setting the bias and the swing-line UP.
  • Aug 15th: Daily Slow Stochastic (DSS) over-bought only.
  • Aug 19th: Only first day of DSS embedding. Needs two more days.

Note, too, that every single day since the outside-day-up a higher-low day followed. From then 'till now, there was no lower low day to allow less risky entries into the trend. Thus, the machines have done their duty buying back the corporate stock. A question now might be, "what now from here?"

Well, I think the best answer is the one Ira typically provides. That is, "with an over-bought stochastic and price nearing the upper band, I'll just let someone else own it here. After all, price only tends to close outside of the bands only ~5% of the time. That is until or unless it embeds - which it has not done yet."

It is my hope that providing this near real-time summary - with comments made by this blog at the time - can help provide some appreciation for the power of his guidelines.

Now from an Elliott Wave perspective, it matters to the count whether it closes over the top or not. So, we watch closely and see what we can see.

One thing we can see - because we're not blind - is just how close in proximity a new all-time high might come in relative to the timing of a political convention. That's just a coincidence, right? It's not like the President might have called up the PPT (Plunge Protection Team) with a message like, "Hey, Japan's threat to raise interest rates might destabilize our markets. See what you can do about that." Nothing overtly political, right? If you're in a bridge-buying mood, I'm selling - bridges that is. 

Have an excellent start to the evening,


  1. Tj,
    Can wave II retrace 90% ?
    Can the marking of this unmove still be wave II Or
    This would look more like a B wave up?

  2. after 8 days up in a row, and near a 4 year high, on avergae up close to 4% next 20 days, always positive for 5 occurrences siince 1990. the times it went up 9 days were stronger than 8 days. max drawdowns around 2%. most of time bottoms on day +1 and tops around day 17. it doesnt seem like leading up to a correction based on history. not trading advice. the "pattern" doesnt call for a turn here, so if it comes i would pay attention.

  3. This is speculative but it is still checking all the boxes to this point.

    1. This would imply and absolute shit show for the election.

  4. It is truly stunning listening to the talking heads on places like Bloomberg absolutely gushing about how auspicious the advent of a FED rate cut in September will be for equities. Are these people truly so ignorant of FED history? Liars? Stupid? Yikes!

  5. On gold, if you grab a specific month, it favors the b over the diagonal.

  6. Thanks Tj but these do not buy or sell generally doesn't work practically in trading even medium term. The chart above has seen so many deep cuts even after do not sell here.

    1. I'm confused by this comment. In my interpretation the first green arrow is the do not sell, the other twp were places to sell and cover with a daily with a close over the 18day.

    2. Just try to use practically and if that works for you then it is good. It is my personal experience that the range is too small to make a trading call and it keep on hitting stop loss even on a medium term.

    3. @BBR .. while I have no idea what manu is saying, the first green arrow is the "Do Not 'Buy' New Here'. According to Ira he 'never' tells clients to 'buy' over an upper band. Never. Period. The second part of your comment is reasonable. TJ.

    4. @manu .. Ira is discussing 'futures' here. What are you trying to trade that the range is too small ?? TJ.

  7. First 5 wave down for this move up from the lows (excluding c after expanded flats)...

  8. SPY 1-hr: so in a count like this ② and ④ are less than 'b'. And ③ is less than x①.

    1. We don't 'know' it's done, but we might suspect since today is Tuesday .
    2. This might be a 'turn-on-Tuesday' after an up Monday, alla Y. Hirsch.
    3. Start to watch the downward wave lengths and see if b is exceeded.
    4. Then, there is a potential parallel with ② of 'a'.


  9. 90% retracement of spx cash reached today and rejected so far. A C wave down from here to major support at 480 on spy? No one seems to think a crash like that is possible.

    1. Right, just to note that ES futures do not have 90% yet, with a capital 'Y' on yet.

  10. SPY 5-min: well, the timing was perfect, but the EWO says 'maybe' its an ending wave and not a beggining one. Still, there is now a > 50% retrace.


    1. SPY 5-min: we've been to 62% once, in what 'looks like' could be forming an expanded flat. The middle 'b' wave is funky.

      If not, it's a-b-c down and an up wave. Argues for watching the high and low of the day.

  11. A new post is started for the next day.
