Sunday, September 1, 2024

Problem Child

Every family has one (or two ..).  Let's see if we can deal with ours. From a degree standpoint the chart below shows the problem wave on the ES weekly timeframe. As you can clearly see, the recent July/August down wave is longer in price than the down wave that ended the week of 23 Oct 2023 as shown by the Fibonacci ruler. This was the wave of the 2024 Japanese Yen debacle.

The reason it is a problem is that impulse waves expand by 'smaller degree sub-waves'. This one is too large to be 'smaller' and it overlaps the prior wave high made the week of 1 Apr 2024. So, what do we do with this messy wave count now? Well, a long-considered degree analysis shows that this degree labeling does, in fact, work.

There is, in fact, a table included in the chart of the key smaller degree relationships found. It could stand some scrutiny from the readers of this blog. But one would read the above chart like this. Starting in the lower left from Intermediate wave (2).

  1. There is an expanding leading diagonal Minor A wave in the form of 3-3-3-3-3, which is allowed under the rules.
  2. That the expanding diagonal truly was 'leading' is borne out by the fact that there is a higher wave, at , which terminated over the end of the diagonal.
  3. After Minor wave A, there is an  wave down - which is much longer in price than the prior (b) wave down. Therefore, it is likely of a higher degree than the (b) wave and it is shown as such. Minute  is larger than minuet (b), and so it stands.
  4. Next, that minute wave, up, while very large to the eye, is still smaller than the Minor A wave up. So, there just isn't a degree violation. Oh, it isn't pretty, but then the  wave down is a failure wave, just as predicted by a  wave that is more than 1.618 times its  wave. This would make the Minor B wave, down.
  5. Now, we appear to be working on an impulse C wave, up as given previously on the four- hour chart. And thus, this might provide the alternation being looked for in a corrective structure: diagonal A, flat B, impulse C.
I would also mention, the other alternation would be Long A, short C within the whole wave up. If it comes to pass, it would be one of the more bizarre counts I have ever encountered, but that's why I do this. I am here to learn, too.

Have an excellent rest of the long weekend and holiday if you are celebrating it. Remember, many cash markets are closed on Monday.



  1. Not gonna lie. Every single EW count I attempted to describe the current price action was detonated...and I tried a few! Glad to see even an expert found it bewildering. Would not have posted this one in a million iterations... Lol! Thx for the chart. Beyond weird!!!

  2. The other version of the ED is we are working on 3 now with 4 and 5 to come. Election shit show would be 4.

    1. I'm not sure the wave lengths can be worked out for that one - especially with the overlap. TJ.

    2. I think 3 is now longer than 1 for the ED, unless my measurement is off.

  3. TJ not my chart but EW Japan's off his X account a irregular B wave to then start a cycle wave iv triangle

    1. Just that circle-A and circle-B of the expanding triangle 'break the rules' as they are very non-proportional. Typically, in the expanding triangle, the legs are 150% or less multiples (according to the published 'rules'). TJ

  4. Japan hit the 50 pct retrace and has reversed. The first week in September has not been bullish in the last 3+ years. Also the 1929 anniversary top date.

  5. Here's a follow-up on the Japanese Yen. This is a 4-hr chart. Remember, we 'could' still be in a contracting ending diagonal lower - from the weekly/daily. And now, the down (red) fractal on the left has been exceeded lower.

    So, this means that it is possible to exceed the low again, or ALMOST. Remember that if a contracting diagonal is a 'C' wave overall - which is what we think, the wave v of that C wave 'can' fail - indicating upcoming strength in the opposite direction.


  6. Here is the bigger version of a expanding diagonal I have on the radar. I believe it still works because the net distance traveled in b of 3 is less than 2.

  7. So the market has a staggered top in the main averages. The Dow has a EDT exhaustion pattern. Do we have a truncated fifth wave in place? We shall see.

  8. Oil C wave has begun? That thing has been coiling for 2+ years

  9. If we that is all we get for a C wave on ES, I think Neely would have us tightening or helmet straps.

  10. A new post is started for the next day.
