Saturday, June 22, 2024

Weekend ES Review, M-O-B and ALT

Professor Lawrence Krauss (University of Arizona) has often made this statement (paraphrase), "My greatest hope for you is that someday your son or daughter will leave the house, go to college, and have some deeply held tenet of their life completely upended. Because that's what scientists do practically every day. They go to work. They frame a hypothesis. They may work on that hypothesis for years. They may hold it deeply. They test that hypothesis. And if it fails, they don't whine or moan about it. They accept the failure as valid, and they move on to frame a new hypothesis and start the cycle all over again."

While we are not claiming the Elliott Wave Principle is elevated to a science yet, for the last many months we have framed a long-term hypothesis, and we are testing it now. That hypothesis is shown below in the monthly chart of the ES futures contract. The simple hypothesis is that price may be forming the pattern known as the Contracting Ending Diagonal to make a primary th wave.

ES Futures - Monthly - Contracting Ending Diagonal?

Those of you familiar with the pattern know that in such a pattern, by the rules, Intermediate (5) must be shorter than wave (3), and this must be shorter than wave (1). And, if wave (3) holds to this length, then wave (4) must be shorter than wave (2) and likely still overlap wave (1). We are now testing the limits of wave Intermediate (3) because, after about 78% - 80% of wave (1), the contracting pattern begins to lose its 'right look'. It begins to look more parallel than contracting. But, so far, there is the higher high, the MACD on this timescale is diverging, and price is reacting off the 78.6% Fibonacci extension level. The lower trend line has held well, and the question now is, "will the upper trend line hold, too?"

And still, there is a further interior pattern being tested. And that is, within Intermediate (3), IF wave Minor A was an expanding diagonal, then by the principle of alternation, wave Minor C should be an impulse wave.

So, that brings us down to the two-daily S&P500 chart. And while this pattern, shown as the black count, currently works on the ES futures, I wanted to show that it also works on cash at the moment from the point labeled Minor B. The hypothesis in this chart is that minute-i (shown as xⓘ) is the extended wave in the sequence. This is because of the very shallow retrace for the second wave. And the third wave, minute-iii is currently shorter than minute-i.

SPX Cash - Two Daily - x wave

So, this provides us with a cash make-or-break level of 5,536 where minute-v would become longer than minute-iii. Beyond that, we must simply accept the result and move on to a new hypothesis. As you can see, the current cash high is 5,505. That new hypothesis - if required - is shown in red as the ALT wave. We're not going to cover it in detail now because the current wave has not broken. But, if the wave lengths turn out incorrect, we'll drop the old count in a hot minute and adopt the new one.

So, that beings us down to the current weekly and daily charts of the ES futures. They appear below with some points of discussion following the charts.

ES Futures - Weekly - Test of Upper Bollinger Band

One can see that the weekly bar popped up over the weekly upper Bollinger Band and made a candle in the form of a Spinning Top - which would still require downside follow-through confirmation to become activated. But look back for the past 100 candles. How many times has the ES been above its weekly Bollinger Band? And yes! That slow stochastic is still embedded. But here is where we said we would translate the current wave degrees from the weekly to the daily chart. This appears, above, and in the daily ES chart, below.

ES Futures - Daily - Test of Upper Bollinger Band

In case you're wondering, it just doesn't make too much sense to do the weekly chart before the end of the week because it is difficult to assess the type of weekly candle until the weekly close is known, especially given a quad-witching on Friday which can be quite volatile.

So, given the usual caveats of caution, patience and flexibility, let's see how things go this coming week.

Have an excellent rest of the weekend.



  1. Thx so much for all the work this week!

  2. Wow! Now that's what I call "putting it together" Awesome, thanks

  3. Thanks TJ! As I have previously pointed out, one cannot even buy better Elliott Wave analysis of the S&P 500 Index than this. 😊

  4. It seems like the EW supercycle should be a "human life time", so 70-80 years. That's long enough for memories to fade and for humans to somewhat repeat prior experiences. So, 1929 => 1999 - 2009; 1932 => 2002 - 2012.

    If that is correct, the Great Recession (2008-2009) was our "Great Depression". And if EW alternation applies, one might expect that after the Great Depression, there would follow a mild Depression. So that was seen, the Great Recession, while quite damaging to many people was much milder than the Great Depression.

    That further implies that the next supercycle depression would occur around 2080 - 2090. And it should be severe (alternation with mild), but perhaps still not as bad as the Great Depression, which would be expected about every 320 years. Maybe the 2080 depression will deal with and rein in the ever-increasing burden of the U S national debt.

    Your contracting diagonal (and wave 5) does not fit well into this scenario. You could argue, I suppose, that a decline after your wave 5 would be the severe correction that deals with the national debt issue. But a debt of $35T in a $25T economy is not a big deal. The Second World War debt was a considerably higher percentage and it was worked off substantially during the ensuing Cold War.

    There are several major contributors to economic growth currently -- dealing with climate change via electrification of the economy, artificial intelligence investments, re-shoring critical industries that are needed for national defence and healthcare, the new cold war with China, the war(s) against Russia and its enablers, etc. These argue for above average growth in the U S economy, not for a serious recession.

    So, in short, I would welcome the market's negating your contracting diagonal thesis. It will be very interesting to see how things play out.

    1. There have been massive monetary/fiscal interventions in the economy/markets since 2008. From my own research, I believe that these interventions cannot be sustained, and as a result, one cannot squeeze much more from these markets, and so a contracting ending diagonal would seem to fit.

    2. 'Seems' is the dangerous word. You are ignoring cases like this.

      DJI Ending Diagonal

      All that the contracting ending diagonal implies is a return to the 'start' of the pattern in less 'time' than the diagonal took to form. I notice, on your list, the 1974 drop of -46% was left out of the discussion. If the Dow went back to the start of the diagonal, it would just go back to the Covid-19 lows. That might not be classified as a Great Depression.


    3. @David the monetary interventions (QE1, QE2, ...) were to prevent the Great Recession from spiraling down into a depression ("we (the Fed) learned our lesson from the 1930's"). Currently, the Fed is trying to tamp down the market (QT1?), not stimulate it. We are past the point of fearing a deflation (obviously).

      @TJ Your 1-2-3-4-5 DJI wave looked to be part of a Supercycle 5th wave. As noted above, I think we are in a new Supercycle, have been since 2009-10. I suppose the current wave could be some kind of 'B' wave in wave 2 of the new cycle, so an upcoming 'C' decline could be severe, a return to the 2020 lows or worse. After all, the yield curve has been inverted for almost 600 days.

      But, in the last supercycle, it took only 10 years (1932-1942) to set up the third wave. In our case, that would take us from 2010 to 2020, the Covid lows. So, by now, we should be well along in wave 3 of the current cycle. If so, the corrections should be moderate, not severe. That's why I said it will be interesting to see how things play out.

    4. @wiz29 .. I have already showed the long term count, and what I view as the largest single mistake of the professional Elliott analysts.

      It is different than your assessment, but it makes sense of the nature of these waves and degree labeling. So, it is what it is until someone can provide a much different case.


    5. You're forgetting about interventions since 2020 (buying AAPL bonds as the most egregious), and bailing out Silicon Valley Bank later on.

  5. Technology is recession proof 1999
    Housing has never gone down 2008
    Peak oil
    They are printing money, markets wont go down again.


    1. It seems like everybody is complacent on the idea that a 40 year decline in interest rates that have led to massive amounts of all types of debt and leverage may have come to an end.

    2. All is certainly not as it appears..There is absolute carnage in the bond portfolios of all the major banks. Marking to market means insolvency. Of course Congress made sure they no longer have to. Money velocity at its lowest in years and declining. Of course they will all say no one saw this coming. Kabuki theatre!

  6. SPY 1-hr: missed the gap by 0.04, so far. Maybe a triangle or diagonal to fill the gap. Maybe not. Market in stall mode right now.


    1. ..and with only seconds to spare, SPY gets the lower low. TJ.

  7. SPY 30-min: for the moment, The Principle of Equivalence applies to the down count.

    A 1.618 or greater down wave tomorrow might change that. We'll see.

    1. That is a nasty looking pattern if the bears can pull it off.

  8. A new post is started for the next day.
