Monday, June 10, 2024

No Changes

There are no changes to the SPY 1-Hr count at this time. The wave is acting a bit quirky. Look over the chart below and I'll comment briefly.

There is a way to count that blue wave iv as a flat wave. And it would be at the prior wave . And this would make some sense with the break of the Neely 0-ii trend line. Wave  broke it once but recaptured it by the close. Wave iv has now broken it (the Neely 0 - ii trend line) and has several hourly closes below it. This wave iv would now show alternation with wave ii.

What's quirky are now 1) the channel is a 'best fit' channel, and not a strict Elliott parallel. And wave three has not exceeded an upper channel boundary. This suggests weakness in the wave. And 2) today was a very strained wave as well. So, perhaps we are now into a longer triangle ivth wave or into a diagonal wave v. Very difficult to tell for sure.

Have an excellent rest of the evening.



  1. I would favor a EDT here
    Technicals deteriorating and the VIX is diverging. Fear of missing out is slowing. But the Fed always seems to keep it going.

  2. TJ, would you say that it is a degree violation that (iv) on above chart is deeper than the very shallow bigger degree wave 2 Jan correction?

    1. No, definitely not. Wave minuet (iv) is smaller than the prior larger degree wave in the same direction, minute-iv, circle-iv, as below.

      You are making the error of counting "backwards in time" and trying to compare all waves in a set 'after' they have occurred. Degrees are counted "forwards in time" only, as they occur, and comparisons are made on that basis. Once that larger degree minute-iv, circle-iv is made, and it is the same degree as minute-ii, circle-ii the subsequent down waves need only be smaller than it.


  3. Interesting day BTC down,banks down, AAPL ath last leg up? Has the Dow topped? Not sure.

  4. NQ 1-hr: futures have a new all-time-high and qualify for the fifth wave. Other indexes and NYSE internals lag. TJ

  5. Don't worry about that black swan flying above Florida it is harmless.

  6. There is a new post started for the next day.
