Monday, June 17, 2024

Three And One

The ES 2-Weekly Chart with about 114 total candles for the "wave-of-interest" has three price Fibs and one time Fib either here or "due".

 The three price Fibs are:

  1. (3) = 0.786 x (1)
  2. C of (3) = 1.272 x A
  3. Alt (B) = 1.618 x Alt (A)
The time Fib is (3) = (1) or thereabouts. The current up wave is labeled as a third wave as there is as yet no proof that the up wave is concluded, even though we can count it so. Further, the Elliott Wave Oscillator has a near-equal high at this location which is often a sign of a third wave.

Today saw all-day buying from the cash open until about 14:00 ET. Price traded up into the upper daily Bollinger Band and then made a very small down move from there. Likely some of this was due to the "Nightmare Rollover" we wrote about in a previous post. Today saw only a pretty-even split in the advance-decline line, and more new lows than new highs.

Have an excellent start to the evening,


  1. Here's a snapshot from this morning: from the ES 30-min intraday wave-counting screen.


  2. ES 5-min: so that c wave down was an ending diagonal which has been exceeded higher. Now, the question is whether that was enough of a fourth wave or not.

    Or do we go straight over the high.

  3. This is my count if the whole speculative shenanigans is coming to an end.

  4. SPY 10-min: cash has the new high.


    1. l think the circle a of triangle made a lower lower than c of previous wave

    2. I think that is ok in this structure.

  5. Thanks Tj. On November 3rd 2023 there was a big hush around triggering of Zweig Breadth Thrust , which was 18th since 1945 and spx has been higher 100% in one year time. Likes of Ira, Tom McClellan and Zerohedge posted it. But I saw most EW guys ignored it. Not trying to put you or anyone on stand but why does EW has a one side approach. Why it has not changed with times?

    1. I think TJ's counts where not in conflict with that thrust at all. See 12/23/23 post.

    2. I know that. What I am suggesting that EW rules are so strict that it misses tje global picture.

    3. @manu .. you are once again completely confusing "wave-counting" with "trading". I have addressed this issue many, many times in the past and people keep ignoring it.

      The above link provides my paraphrase of Ira Epstein's publicly published guidelines for trading. Quite simply, if the daily ES closing price is above the 18-day SMA, the bias is "up". If price is below the 18-day SMA, the bias is "down". Price has closed 'above' the 18-day SMA every-single-day since 3 May. It is now 18 Jun. I just don't know how to make it any simpler than that.

      Will you read the guidelines and understand them, or not? This "bias up" signal also fired on 2 Nov 2023 - a day BEFORE the ZBT. And it stayed in place through Dec 2023. I am 'not' here to tell you how to 'trade'. I am 'just' counting the waves as best I can. Please 'stop' confusing the two. Why do people keep making me repeat this?


    4. @manu & all others - also see tomorrow's blog post.

  6. A new post is started for the next day.
