Sunday, July 21, 2024

Some Dow Degree Notes

Here are the Dow Jones Futures on a Monthly timeframe. The potential contracting diagonal may still be in play.

Dow (YM) Futures - Monthly - Potential Contracting Diagonal

If the potential diagonal is to play out, price should soon begin to trace out an overlap downward on wave Intermediate (1) in a 'relatively' brief zigzag that might undercut the lower trend line to generate enough bearishness for the subsequent fifth wave higher - also in a zigzag.

Here is an internal look at wave Intermediate (3) which is formed of a double-zigzag and is shown on the two-weekly chart.

We note from the first chart, that overlap would occur at 36,832 and from a visual inspection of the second chart that prior support/resistance might come in at 35,288 which might allow for the overlap and still have wave (4) remain shorter in price than wave (2).

Some Degree Notes for these Charts

  • Wave Minor W is shorter in price & time than Intermediate (1), the prior higher degree wave in the same direction. Same with Minor Y.
  • Wave Minor X is shorter in price & time than Intermediate (2), the prior higher degree wave in the same direction.
  • Within wave Minor Y, wave minute  is shorter in price and time than wave Minor X, the prior higher degree wave in the same direction.
  • Within wave Minor W, wave minute  is shorter in price & time that Minor A of Intermediate (2), the larger of the two prior higher degree waves in the same direction.
  • Also note that if Minor W occurred at the end of 2022, then Minor X would be longer in time than Intermediate (2) which would seem to violate degree definitions, so this count appears correct. This count also agrees with the current ES futures count.
Note that these charts are predictive of a corrective decline at this time, probably back down to the lower two-weekly channel line or just below. This decline should happen as a 5-3-5 wave, and the middle wave, or the -3-, can be "any three" including a flat, zigzag, combination or triangle. And we are not even close to completing the first "five", yet. The wave should look proportional on the two-weekly chart. The exact amount of time of wave (4) is not seen as critical as it is a fourth wave.

Have an excellent rest of the day and the weekend,


  1. According The Eight-Fold-Path-Method (TEFPM) which is one of the links in the featured post, upper right-hand corner of the main blog page, the ES 30-min futures may be counted as an impulse in this manner.

    Waves ② and ④ come back up to kiss the zero line in about 133 candles on the chart.


    1. From the recent low, this looks corrective so far. Impulsive 5 wave as a, followed by a flat b wave reaching 50% fib retrace of a, right now might be an contracting ending diagonal reaching 50% fib retrace from ath to recent low.

  2. I wonder if this market will ever discount everything,earnings,AI,interest rates,the economy,and the clown show in D.C...oh wait then it will crash,that won't work.

  3. breakaway gap in futures tonight?

  4. Just thought I would post a real time chart of Japan tonight 8:54 PST
    I don't know if it is in a corrective move here as this formation is alot shorter than my wave 2. If it starts impulsing down could the 3rd be subdividing down? We shall see.

  5. ES 1-Hr: just a couple of items to note. First, we have filled the gap noted towards the left by opening a gap lower. Second, price is well within 90% of the low in the event a flat is made to extend the upward correction in time.

    A flat 'does not have' to form, but it may, so just be on the look out should it occur.

    1. Be aware in the cash market, the Flat may have 'already' formed as follows.


  6. Japan this might fit we shall see. To put this in a bearish context the last time Japan put in a monthly candle double top was 1990. Not saying this will repeat,but interesting never the less.

    1. First link: no! i cannot be larger than 1; when will you tell me you understand this? TJ.

    2. Ok TJ,then i is another 1? Or? Thanks

    3. In a way. 'Smaller" degree waves make up the 'larger' degree wave 1.


    4. Ok. here is a 1 minute chart of Japan

    5. Ok TJ that looks correct to me....Thanks!

  7. Looking to me like 5 down on daily chart for most indices. My counting may be suspect! 😊

  8. The public is buying the R2K and GS hasn't come down and the DAX is down but holding up. this might get ugly....just a hunch.

  9. SPY 2-hr: In cash, the start of the diagonal has been exceeded lower in less time than the diagonal took to build.


  10. Worst day for SPX since 12/15/2022. Pretty much nonstop down throughout the day, has the feel of a 3rd of a 3rd wave. Possible?

  11. A new post is started for the next day.
