Sunday, January 19, 2025

Mag 7 Weekly

In the last couple of posts, I showed some of the differences between indexes that have less influence from the Mag 7 stocks and their capitalization weighting in an index, notably the NY Composite Index (NYA), and the RSP (or Equal Weight S&P500). Today we return to the world of the Mag 7, specifically the ES roll-over futures on the weekly chart, which is below. You should take some time to look over the features of this chart. Your criticisms are welcome.

ES Futures - Weekly - x(5) Count

First, I developed The Eight-Fold-Path-Method in an effort to eliminate guessing, using one consistent time scale (120 - 160 candles) and one consistent indicator, the Elliott Wave Oscillator, developed by Bill Williams which was built by him using Supercomputer analysis for this purpose. Look, the Method has some shortcomings. It works best on extended third waves, and there is still a lot of flexibility needed as to the timeframe to analyze. But it is time to put it to the test. The first thing we see is that the weekly chart from the low has 118 candles, very, very close to the effective range for the method.

So, in the wild world of, "just where are we on the chart?", the answer would seem to be able to be located as "within Minor 4, but it is too short, yet".

This is arrived at primarily by considering Minor 2 (that "Problem-Child" wave I previously wrote about) as the longest correction in price and time. That means that Minor x1, before it, was a 3-3-3-3-3 Leading Expanding Diagonal. As such, it is the extended wave in the sequence.

We almost all counted some kind of Impulse for Minor 3, and it is, but it is on a clear divergence. It has now topped and formed a potential parallel channel, the bottom of which has not been tested yet. And neither has the Elliott Wave Oscillator returned to near the or under the zero line to indicate a fourth wave. And, so far, we have only had an a,b,c down at some degree.

Given the reality of The Fourth Wave Conundrum that I have documented which occurs at every degree of trend, this wave could be a real stinker, as there are literally 13 varieties it could take. One factor that might eliminate some possibilities if we look at it is alternation. The minute wave in wave Minor 2 went over the top. So, some possibilities that don't include a higher  wave might be, a double-zigzag, a triple zigzag - like one in the form of an expanding diagonal - and then there are contracting triangles and expanding triangles.

Let me be clear, any triangle in a fourth wave position provides alternation. So, while one could get a contracting triangle, one could also get a very long-in-time expanding triangle that looks like this, and still have the needed alternation provided.

ES Futures - Daily - Expanding Triangle Idea

Clearly, this is labeled as a "Speculative Idea" and might help outline a path of just increased algo volatility as they absorb the news and try to decide direction. Again, the expanding triangle would provide the needed alternation. But, so, too would the expanding triple-zigzag or double-zigzag outlined below. But, if the expanding triangle idea plays out, it's legs "by rule" are limited to 150% of the prior leg. Try to keep that in mind because it can help set some invalidation levels.

ES Futures - Daily - Expanding Dzz or Tzz Idea

The triple-zigzag is shown. In the case of the double-zigzag just end the pattern at the  wave. Again, another speculative idea. But both of these might line up with the positions of the Daily Bollinger Bands which seems to be the current "brain" behind the algo market movements.

So, thanks for the chicken-soup, all. I drank a lot of it. But I noticed that Kool-Aid was not on your list of remedies, so I still haven't drunk that yet.

Have an excellent start to the week,



  1. Great stuff, and the aligns nicely with what I've been expecting. (c wave or more) Thank you. PS ... I recommend OD'ing on homemade vitamin C, knifed off citrus peel, dried, then ground ultra fine to an 'espresso' powder.

  2. You had blue 4 on left as blue 2 which led me to question it's size. And black 3 4 on right could be i ii. This has been best count since September perhaps

    1. I clearly thought of that last night before I labeled. Yes, the degrees could be reduced by one in the current wave to (i) -> (v) of ⓘ of 3. And while that 'could' be correct, taking the candle number out more towards 160, then I think a count like that risks 3 becoming longer than 1. One would only know if the EWO went to a new high, and that hasn't happened yet. For the meanwhile, the x1 count makes sense given the extreme amount of time wave 1 spent building. TJ.

  3. Today 7.30 central time when some new algo kicked in with no news 10 points down 30 points up in a second. Shows abt machine trading

    1. Bad analysis. The 'spike' at 7:30 central and 8:30 ET came on a WSJ Story of "No New Tariffs Yet". See the green spike on the extreme right side of the ES chart.

      Keep in mind Davos is this week, too.

  4. Who are the people behind these algos..

    1. Goldman, Blackrock, dark pools, etc. TJ.

    2. They are more sophisticated than retail traders. The algos are clearly still in "Buy the Dip" mode and that trade has been the correct one for quite some time. A "Sell the Rip" switch by the algos will no doubt signal a major top IMHO.


  5. thanks TJ: your future projections are always helpful and well explained. Aren't we supposed to fully retrace back to around 5k the previous wave structure (3) because it was a diagonal? Or this is not applicable anymore based on new info? Thanks

    1. Hi Luc ; no 3 was not a diagonal in it's entirety. If any portion of 3 was a diagonal it was only ⑤ of 3. And ④ 'was' retraced in some indexes; not all. TJ.

  6. Lol! Some funky reversal in futures. Cash count should be interesting!

    1. no tariffs .... then later, tariffs on 1 Feb ... mkts no likee

  7. DJI Daily - fyi only - just pointing out a 'confluence' of the 0.618 and 1.618 Fibs in the Dow cash. May not want to fight the momentum just yet; maybe look to see if we do or do not get 'five down' and a retrace that does not go over the high. But I think it is worth watching. If the up wave should not turn out to be an expanded Flat, then the down wave is a,b,c like the ES, too. It's just that the 'c' wave in that case would be a pretty atypical 40% of the 'a' wave.


    1. DJIA 5-min: valid triangle formed OR making a lower flat.


  8. Series gaps galore- a cautionary tale to bull and bear alike for one of them will be sorely disappointed.

  9. ES futures 5-min: beware the dreaded overlapping megaphone pattern (ending expanding diagonal).

    Oh, yes, it can run a while, and it can reverse as well.

    1. Here are the three-wave sequences.


  10. ES daily - now in contact with upper daily Bollinger Band. This is where, according to Ira, pros may decide to 'take some profits off the table'. Also, 'he' would recommend no new naked longs over the band. TJ.

  11. ES 5-min: getting very near 5 = 1.618 at 6,129


  12. ES Daily - just fyi - the 90% retrace level has been attained. 'Usual' provisions here (B or X wave of Flat, next impulse, 'possible' barrier triangle later on, diagonal later on, etc.).


  13. ES 5-min: current down wave from the high is longer in price & time than prior wave ④ of upward diagonal. It also overlaps wave 'a' of the upward diagonal leg ⑤. Downward wave can be counted as an expanding diagonal, which argues for monitoring the high.


  14. I'm detecting weekly momentum peaks forming on various indices. Also, BOJ facing surging long rates and may have to surprise with larger hike, with announcement reportedly due 3am Fri ET. Just a forewarning. VOLs getting antsy out there.

  15. ES / SPY 5-min: price in both broke the prior 'b' wave low.


  16. A new post is started for the next day.
