Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Battle at the 18-Day SMA

Last night price and the 18-day SMA met by a combination of price dropping and the average rising. There is now a battle going on for control of the 18-day SMA, with FED Chair Powell speaking this morning. The ES daily chart is below.

ES Futures - Daily - Touch of 18-day SMA

On a shorter-term timeframe, the SPY cash index appears to have made a diagonal lower and then possibly three waves up to a 38% retracement. This morning's opening gap has already been closed. As far as I can tell, there are no gaps above in the cash market. The SPY 15-min intraday chart is below.

SPY Cash - 15 min - Correcting?

So, things to watch for this morning are a) whether the blue b wave needs to be moved one trough to the right as a Flat wave itself, or b) whether a double or triple zigzag forms for the correction, with the latter being much more rare, or c) whether the structure possibly breaks down to the lows to form a larger Flat wave altogether. Hard to say let's keep an eye on it. Suffice it to say, there would be nothing wrong with a 50 - 78% retrace after a potential diagonal. The key still is whether prices respect the high or not.

Have an excellent rest of the day,



  1. SPY 15-min: higher high makes 50% retrace, now within the acceptable range for a 1.618 down wave. Can still go higher if it wishes. TJ.

  2. Very close to that 5,600 level on futures which would weaken the "right look" of the primary ending diagonal count.

    1. I think the AI mania tells me this is a cycle top incoming. The stars are aligning.

  3. I don't know what that triangular looking structure is in the YM_F daily. I guess we will find out soon enough. The NDX feels like a perpetual 3rd wave since the late October low. Interesting times we now live in,historical.

  4. My chart of the day is Salesforce. Is there a recession coming? It looks like CRM could fill the gap,but it is above little iii so it could be finished. Lot's of bearish charts in the Dow ??????

    1. NVDA

    2. Why use the 1 thru 13 count instead of isolating 1 thru 5? Why use w, x, y instead of a-b-c? Also 1 could be an A, and 2 could be B

  5. I think since were hanging around the highs, it will go and sniff out the 1.618 at 5615.

    1. Yep. Price continues to solidify gains. I suspect the reversal,when it comes, will be signal.
